Automatic Soy Milk Makers II – Model Instructions

Instructions for using the SoyQuick, SoyaJoy and SoyaPower:

The manufacturer of these three machines recommends using soaked soybeans to make soymilk . While some may see this as a drawback, I found the soaking of beans to be a simple addition to my night-time routine. It takes less than five minutes to do and only uses one cup of space. I believe that using soaked beans is a healthier option than using dry, unsoaked soybeans. In addition, using soaked beans has eliminated the uncomfortable intestinal discomfort that I experienced when using dried soybeans for soy beverages. I soak a few batches of beans and grains and/or nuts, rinse them and store them in a covered container in the refrigerator. This allows me to use my soymilk maker at a moment’s notice. I usually use the previously soaked beans and grains within one week.

For one soymilk maker batch, I rinse 100 gms (dry 1/2 cup plus 1 Tablespoon) of organic or non-GMO Laura® soy beans (*see note) and then cover beans with pure water to soak overnight. In the morning, I drain and rinse the beans well, then place them in the soymilk maker filter basket and attach the basket to the machine head. I then add fresh, pure water to the correct level designated inside the canister (between the two marks), place the machine head on the canister, plug the machine in and press the “Start” button. (You can also feed the soaked beans through the feeding window once the water is added and machine assembled.)

The soymilk maker heats the water, and during the cycle grinds the beans several times. In about 16 minutes or so, I have hot, steaming soy “milk” (or other non-dairy “milks”). There is no need to strain the soy milk since all three of these soymilk makers have an extremely finely woven mesh filter, and the okara (fiber from the bean) is left behind in the filter basket. I save the okara because it is very nutritious (it is part of the whole bean once the liquid has been extracted), and it works well in my recipes such as bread and meatloaf. I even use it in cakes and brownies. (For recipes please visit the Soy milk and Okara Recipes page.)

When the soymilk maker cycle is complete and the machine beeps, I pour the hot liquid into a half-gallon glass canning jar. If we are not drinking it warm (sometimes we have hot chocolate soymilk), I let it come to room temperature uncovered (very important to avoid any “beany” flavor!), then cover it and place it in the fridge to chill. I can flavor the milk later, if I choose, or decide to keep it “au naturel”for my cooking. Sometimes, if I want an extra-fine milk, I use a gold mesh filter and press the fine okara and foam through the mesh so the okara that remains is very dry. I then remove the okara from the mesh filter. This process makes a smooth, creamy milk, great for drinking, but it is not necessary. You can find gold mesh filters where coffee products are sold. My family’s favorite “milk” is Soy – Barley. I use this unflavored in my cooking and baking. We also add dates, natural sweetener, cocoa, vanilla and a pinch of salt for a chocolate “milk” that is outstanding. This can be enjoyed hot or cold. For a thicker beverage, I add a pinch of a natural thickener (guar gum) when mixing in the flavoring. I also enjoy using other nuts and grain combinations.

*Note: I use organic beans as my first choice, but if organic beans are not available, I use Laura® beans which are non-GMO soy beans. You can use any soy bean in the soymilk maker, but different varieties have some taste differences.

Instructions for using the SoyQuick:
(additional links for other types of non-dairy milks)

Instructions for using the SoyaJoy:

Instructions for using the SoyaPower:

Instructions for using the SoyToy:

The SoyToy uses either dried or soaked beans and/or grains. This can be an advantage to those opposed to soaking beans. Using dried beans saves soaking time and also means you can make a batch (or two or three) of soymilk without making prior preparations. Another advantage to using dried beans is the ability to make broths in the SoyToy. An added benefit is the SoyToy can handle soaked beans/grains if you, like me, prefer to use only soaked ingredients.

To use dried bean/grains: I measure 1/2 cup (90 gms) dried soybeans, rinse the beans and place them into the filter basket. I attach the basket to the machine head and add water to the 1700 cc mark on the canister. This is a little less than 8 cups water. You can choose to use 1300 cc water (also marked on the canister) — about 6 cups — for thicker beverages. I place the top on the machine, fasten the latches, plug it in and press the “On” button.

To use soaked beans: I measure 1/2 cup (90 gms) dried soybeans, rinse and cover with water. I let them soak overnight. In the morning, I drain the beans and rinse them again. I place just 1 measuring cup of beans/grains in the SoyToy filter basket (see note). I follow the same procedure as above, adding water to the 1700 cc mark.

The SoyToy heats the water and during the cycle grinds the beans several times. In about 30 minutes, I have hot, steaming soy “milk” (or other “milks” or soups). Because the mesh screen is wider than the SoyaJoy, I found too much of the bean/grain fiber passes through to the “milk” for my taste, and there is additional straining necessary (even when using soaked beans). The extra straining is not necessary for thicker soups or for the Almond/Oat “milk” (recipe below). Because the mesh screen allows more okara to pass into the liquid, it is important to remove the filter basket immediately after the SoyToy cycle is completed, which is signaled by a beep.

The SoyToy comes with an additional mesh sieve for scooping out the foam, but I found this to be an extra and unnecessary step in the straining process. I pour the hot liquid through an acceptable tool for straining (some use muslin; some use a clean knee-high nylon hose; I use a metal “strip” cup filter) and into a clean half-gallon canning jar. I then recover the okara from the filter basket and what is strained off in the additional straining. I save this okara because it is part of the whole bean and very nutritious. I have also found that straining the SoyToy “milk” is easier when done after liquid has cooled.

*Note: The 1/2 cup (90 gms) of dry beans/grains swells to 1 1/3 cups when soaked. I only use 1 cup of the soaked beans/grains and place the remaining 1/3 cup into a container which I keep in the fridge. When I have 1 cup accumulated, I make a SoyToy batch.

Instructions for using the SoyToy:

See also…

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About Vickilynn Parnes

A student of health and nutrition for 40+ years, Vickilynn Parnes has over 30 years of actual hands-on experience reviewing and personally using different tools of the homemaking vocation, focusing on the areas of health and nutrition. Vickilynn is a magazine columnist, product reviewer, cookbook author and radio talk show host, as well as being full-time mom to 5 children.