Norpro Stainless Steel Multi-Pot

Weight: 2 1/4 pounds
Capacity: 2 quarts
Material: 18/10 polished stainless steel

Stainless steel cookware and bakeware are wonderful choices for the health-conscious homemaker. Because of potential health risks using aluminum which can leech into foods and some non-stick surfaces which can peel, I prefer good quality stainless products for our home.

The Norpro Stainless Steel Multi-Pot is a handy, versatile and indispensable addition to my busy kitchen. I keep this pan (or pot) on the stovetop all the time because I use it so much. It is light at 1 1/4 pounds, and the 2 quart size capacity is perfect for many smaller jobs where a larger pan would not work as well. I like the stainless steel handle that is curved downward because I don’t catch my arm on an upturned handle as I do with some of my other pans.

This product is aptly named as the “multi”-pot because it is truly multi-purpose. Whether mixing, heating or cooking in it, the multi-pot is a “pot of all trades”. I have used it for everything from gently warming small bottles of garlic oil for ear infections to heating rice milk for little ones, to quickly melting butter to heating enough water for a big batch of Bosch bread.

The weight, size and material of the Multi-pot make it a joy for me to use and clean over and over during the day.

I recommend this product and would definitely purchase the Multi-Pot for my own kitchen and for gifts.

© 1995-2008 Vickilynn Haycraft and Real Food Living. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this review may be copied, stored or transmitted in any medium, for any reason without prior written permission of the author.

About Vickilynn Parnes

A student of health and nutrition for 40+ years, Vickilynn Parnes has over 30 years of actual hands-on experience reviewing and personally using different tools of the homemaking vocation, focusing on the areas of health and nutrition. Vickilynn is a magazine columnist, product reviewer, cookbook author and radio talk show host, as well as being full-time mom to 5 children.